Dec 2, 2008

There will be no Tomb of the Unknown Terrorist in Mumbai

Well, the Indian Muslims  -  blamed by some New York Times "reporters" and their ilk (pompous, presumptuous, pseudo-intellectual assholes) for the terror attacks  -  have spoken! And how! They have decided muslim cemetaries in Mumbai will not be used to bury the dead terrorists.

"The killing of innocents is against Islam. They are bringing shame to 25 crore Muslims of India. These men are not Muslims. Why should we give them place anywhere? There is no place for them in our hearts and in our cemeteries," said Hamid Abdul Razzak, president, Dawat-e-islami.

Determined to deny the terrorists the martyrdom they seek, Muslim organisations have written to senior Mumbai police officials as well.

"The cemetery should not allow the police to bury the nine dead terrorists in their premises," said Ibrahim Tai, president, Muslim Council Trust.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This could become an interesting problem if the Pakistani government continues to deny the terrorists are from Pakistan but the terrorists families in Pak want their bodies to be sent back to Pak.